Safe and economical solutions “outside the box”
About Us
Safe and economical solutions “outside the box
Based on our engineers’ and developers’ extensive experience, we develop creatively and methodologically safe and economical solutions with innovative technology. We always think outside the box and bring in promising new approaches. We convert all concepts into designs that are standards-compliant and are suitable for series production. We carry out all necessary calculations, deliver functional and material proofs, as well as the relevant documentation. Our products and solutions are precisely tailored to the requirements of the market and are ready for immediate use. Our cross-industry approach provides technological solutions in new ways.
“Our actions are always aimed at creating the greatest possible benefit for our customers and their customers. These may be optimized processes, quality improvements or significant cost savings. Your goal is our incentive. Our mission is to use our development work to produce technologically high-quality products Made in Germany that significantly improve the everyday working lives of their users” Guido Kübler, Managing Director.


production area

Years of innovative ideas

open for
new industries

As a creative and reliable partner, we are committed to developing and producing technologically high-quality products on a daily basis. In doing so, we develop beneficial unique selling points and open up new markets thanks to forward-looking developments and sustainable concepts. We are technology scouts, keeping ourselves constantly informed about technology trends and evaluating them in terms of their efficiency and durability in the interest of our customers. Our motivated, 40-strong team works hand in hand to achieve this: Development, production and quality management interlock to provide our customers with the best possible quality.
Your Industry – Our Task
Since the company was founded in 1991, it has been confirmed time and again that our way of working and use of the latest technologies is the right key for meeting the challenges in very different industries. It is precisely this versatility that leads us to ever new and unusual solutions. We think ahead, combine the familiar with the new and find exactly the approach that leads our customers to their goal.
Our current vacancies
Anwendungstechniker/in Robotik (m/w/d)
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